Multi-Fuel Stoves: Your Questions Answered

Multi-Fuel Stoves: Your Questions Answered

As one of Ireland and Cork's most established providers of multi-fuel stoves, we have supplied an ever-expanding suite of stoves to all kinds of customers for years.

Despite our competitive price range, multi-fuel stoves still represent a significant investment. As such, it's understandable that clients have questions before committing to a multi-fuel stove. To make this information more accessible to clients nationwide, we have compiled some of the most common questions below.


Should I get a wood-burning or multi-fuel stove?

Choosing between a wood-burning stove and a multi-fuel stove depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Fuel availability: A wood-burning stove might be a good choice if you have easy access to a reliable and affordable wood supply. However, a multi-fuel stove would provide greater flexibility if you can access other fuel sources such as coal, peat, or biomass.

Environmental impact: Wood is considered a renewable fuel source, and wood-burning stoves can be a sustainable option if you source your wood responsibly. However, wood burning does release carbon dioxide and other emissions, which can contribute to air pollution. Multi-fuel stoves offer the advantage of using alternative fuels with lower carbon emissions.

Heat output and efficiency: Both wood-burning and multi-fuel stoves can provide efficient heat output, but it's essential to consider the specific models you are considering. Look for stoves with high-efficiency ratings, as they will convert more fuel into usable heat. Consider the size of the space you want to heat and choose a stove with an appropriate heat output.

Ease of use and maintenance: Wood-burning stoves require regular cleaning and maintenance, such as removing ash and ensuring proper airflow. Multi-fuel stoves often have features like grates and ash pans to make the removal of different fuels easier. Consider your willingness to handle and maintain different types of fuels when making your decision.

Aesthetics: Consider the visual appeal of the stove and how it fits in with your home decor. Both wood-burning and multi-fuel stoves come in various styles and designs, so choose one that complements your personal preferences and the overall look of your home.


How much space should I have around my stove?

When installing a stove, it is essential to provide adequate space around it to ensure safety and proper ventilation. The specific requirements for space around a stove may vary depending on the model and local building codes, so it's recommended to consult the manufacturer's instructions or seek professional advice. However, here are some general guidelines to consider:

Clearance to combustible materials: Stoves generate heat, and it's crucial to maintain proper clearance of combustible materials to minimize fire risk. Typically, there will be minimum clearance requirements specified by the manufacturer. Common flammable materials include walls, furniture, curtains, and wooden flooring.

Wall clearance: The distance between the stove and any adjacent walls should be sufficient to prevent heat damage to the wall and allow for proper airflow. This distance may vary, but it is often recommended to have at least 18 inches (45 cm) of clearance on all sides.

Floor protection: Stoves should be placed on a non-combustible surface or protected with a hearth pad that meets local building code requirements. The purpose is to protect the floor from heat and potential sparks or embers that may escape the stove.

Ceiling clearance: Consider the distance between the top of the stove and any ceiling or overhead structures. The roof clearance requirements may differ based on the stove's design and local regulations.

Ventilation requirements: Stoves need proper combustion ventilation and release any byproducts, such as smoke and gases. Adequate space around the stove ensures that the ventilation system operates effectively. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding ventilation requirements, including the size and positioning of vents or flues.


Can you burn anything on a multi-fuel stove?

No, you cannot burn just anything on a multi-fuel stove. While multi-fuel stoves offer more flexibility in terms of the types of fuel they can burn compared to wood-burning stoves; there are still limitations and guidelines to follow. Here are some important considerations:

Approved fuels: Multi-fuel stoves are designed to burn specific types of fuels that have been approved for use. Commonly approved fuels include wood, coal, peat, and certain types of biomass. Check the manufacturer's instructions or consult the stove's documentation to determine the approved fuels for your specific model.

Fuel quality: Using clean, dry, and properly seasoned fuels is essential. Wet or unseasoned wood can produce excess smoke, decrease efficiency, and contribute to creosote buildup in the chimney. Coal and other solid fuels should also be high quality and appropriate for your stove's specifications.

Size and loading: Different fuels have specific loading requirements and guidelines. For example, wood should be cut into suitable sizes and loaded in a way that allows proper airflow and combustion. Coal or other solid fuels may require specific methods of loading and arranging.

Mixing fuels: Some multi-fuel stoves allow for using a combination of fuels, such as wood and coal. However, following the manufacturer's instructions regarding fuel mixing ratios and loading methods is essential. Improper fuel mixing can lead to inefficient combustion, excessive smoke, or other issues.

Local regulations: It's essential to adhere to any local regulations or restrictions regarding using specific fuels. Some areas may restrict the types of fuels that can be burned due to environmental concerns or air quality regulations.


Can you burn wood and coal together in a multifuel stove?

Yes, you can burn wood and coal together in many multi-fuel stoves. However, it's important to note that the specific guidelines for burning wood and coal together may vary depending on the stove model and manufacturer. Here are some key points to consider:


Check the manufacturer's instructions: Consult the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions for your specific multi-fuel stove model. The instructions will specify whether burning wood and coal together is allowed and provide guidance on the recommended fuel ratios, loading methods, and other important considerations.


Mixing ratios: If your stove allows for burning wood and coal together, the manufacturer may provide recommended mixing ratios. These ratios typically indicate the proportion of wood to coal that should be used for optimal combustion. Follow these recommendations to ensure efficient and safe burning.


Wood as kindling: In many cases, wood is used as kindling to start the fire before adding coal. Wood ignites more efficiently, and it helps establish a good bed of embers to support coal combustion. Start with a small amount of wood and gradually add coal as the fire builds.


Proper loading and arrangement: When burning wood and coal together, arranging the fuel properly is essential to ensure adequate airflow and combustion. Follow the stove's instructions for loading and arranging the fuel for optimal burning performance.


Monitoring and adjustments: When burning wood and coal together, pay attention to the fire's behaviour and adjust the airflow and fuel as needed. Different fuels may require additional air settings to achieve efficient combustion. Monitor the stove regularly and make adjustments as necessary for proper operation.


Inevitably, you'll still have questions on multi-fuel stoves, so please get in touch with us directly or call our store.


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